
Posts Tagged ‘bible’

Recently I’ve been thinking. And I’ve heard comments from friends that I have gotten me to ponder further.
I am saddended when I hear of Christians who talk about their lack of a set aside time with God (quiet time, bible study, mediation…).

Someone told me that he sometimes stops reading his bible when it becomes monotonous. I am not one to judge my friend but I am concerned for their spiritual growth when they go for so long (this person mentioned sometimes going months and months without opending the bible except at church) without God’s word personally entering their life.

Here are some truths that I believe apply to the practice of personal Bible study:
– it is a discipline – one must put for effort, make it a priority, stick with it
– it is tough- because it is a disciplie there will be plently of obstacles (For one we have the ENEMY who is constantly trying to put obstacles in our way)
-it can get boring- I don’t know many people who don’t struggle through the Old Testament. Also even reading some of the more interesting sections can get like a routine depending on the type of study method
-it can be confusing- often times a Bible study may be suspended because a person doesn’t understand the meaning. Commentaries, books, online resources can be of great help to someone willing to put a little extra in to the study

On the flip side :

It is a discipline with much blessings. God will truly open your eyes to new and wonderful things (Psalm 119:18).
Finding the version that works best for each individual is a key in being able to enjoy reading the Bible regularly. It may even be that you will want several versions to look at them simulatenously or switch between occassionally. It can become very easy once you find a method that works for you.

The key to avoid the boring aspect would be to discover your learning style and incorporate it into your study.
If you are an auditory learner perhaps an audio bible (available in many media). If you are a hands-on person perhaps keeping a journal to write thoughts, questions, etc. down in will help.
Are you really into the computer? Perhaps you can sit down and find multiple websites for study and research (www.biblegateway.com; www.crosswalk.com for starters) and use them to jump start your time with God. There may even be software of interest to you that contains lots of special features to guide in learning more.

Take the unique way God has made you and find what works best for you.
God’s word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12) and he longs for you to discover it’s joys and blessings.

Now, back to my friend.  There once was a time when I was just like him. My quiet times were up and down. My bible often got piled under a bunch of other things. Looking back there were enough “spiritual” things that I was involved in (church, youth group, Christian clubs, Christian friends) that I didn’t really like I was going up and down with God but yet I was desperatly missing out on a personal walk with God by not reading my bible (and praying).

A few years ago I began working on a discipline…to read the bible through in a year. I’ll be the first to admit that, though I read it in a year, I didn’t put everything in my heart and mind. But that discipline of reading my bible daily has stuck with me. I CAN’T not read my bible, even if it’s just a very short time to read.
For the first few years I stuck to a regular method (read a section and write in my journal about it).
I’ve changed up my “routines” multiple times in recent years.
I’m beginning to see just how many ways I can “spice up” my devotional time.

Regarding montony I truly believe that one shouldn’t stop reading the bible. One should take notice and stop the method and find a new plan.

Please don’t stop reading your bible. Every time you read a scripture it will have a special meaning and message from God for that time.

If you would like further suggestions on how to adapt your devotional time just let me know.

One more thing:

If the bible is God’s love letter to us how do you think it makes him feel for his children saying reading it is “boring?”
(I bet the same say you would feel if your significant other told you that they don’t care what you are talking about to them)

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